How are those visits going? Feeling like you go and the person you are visiting just sits there and doesn't respond back. Feel like they are ignorning you? They don't want you there? Well changes in the ability to communicate can vary and are based on where the person is in the disease journey. Changes include: Difficulty finding the right words; using familiar words repeatedly, describing familiar objects instead of calling them by name; easily losing their train of thought; can no longer organize words logically, goes back to speaking native language; relies on using gestures more than speaking or just speaks less often.
In the early stage, your loved one may repeat stories (the same story 5 times in 10 minutes...); or feel overwhelmed by excessive stimulation or just cannot find the right words. This is very upsetting to the person. So try some of these techniques: Speak directly to the person--face to face, slowly and loud enough for them to hear you; take time to listen to the person express their thoughts, feelings and needs--don't correct them even if they use the wrong words; give the person time to respond--don't answer for them, give them enough time to find the words they are trying to say or gesture; don't make assumptions about their ability to communicate or exclude them from conversations, your support and love are important.
Another way to get them to communicate is through music. See tomorrow's blog on the power of music on the dementia journey.